Every movie has a soundtrack that, essentially, tells us how to feel. Your life is your great story and you are the author. At times you need to manipulate the emotion. We all have our bad days. Music heals, music uplifts, music turns an average day into a celebration! You need to find that triumphant, epic song to inspire you. You need to create a… Read more →
Author: Trina McClure
This is my Stage

“This is my stage. Empty. Blank. A place to be born. Reinvent. Ask questions. Seek answers. Make up stories. Create. An audition, rehearsal, and performance. Here I will create the life I want. I will write my story. I will build my character. I will be the star in my own life. Not to outshine others. But to glow so that others may have light to see.
This is my empty stage. That is so full.”
Every morning you put your feet on the ground you are on your stage. Over time, these pictures will represent how the stage changes, what being on stage has meant to me, and what standing brave and playing your part will mean to you.
Are you waiting in the wings for your performance to start?
Step out.
Anatomy of a Star
Are you obsessed with the stars? Do you devour the magazines? Are you addicted to the entertainment shows? Do you follow your favourites on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook? Do you look up to the night sky and wonder, “Is it possible for Taylor Swift to be real?” Welcome to Anatomy of a Star. Do I promise to make you a star? Yes. Do I promise to make… Read more →
A Star is Born
So. About me. What matters most is that I’m more like you than different. We are all made of stardust. If you’d like to know me, I’m in every word, every theme, and every story I share. I’m more real in what I write than any biography could tell you. I’ve lived my life trying to stay true to myself,… Read more →