Author: Trina McClure

Preparing for the Performance – When 50% is 100%
There is a moment for us all. That moment when we need to step up, put ourselves out there, and be present. But we all have a threshold. Perhaps just walking out your front door makes your heart flutter. For others it’s the dreaded social occasion when you fear being alone in a room of people. For some it is promoting… Read more →
Are You Keeping Your Head UP?
Hey there! I was dancing around the kitchen while making dinner thinking all of you need to do that too. Love this remix. Love the message. I wish I could you hold you all close to keep you safe. Keep your head up. Read more →

A Lesson in Bravery
The possibilities are endless. Who am I? What is my character? Who will I be when…. How do we find the singular in the exponential? How do we see ourselves in the hall of mirrors? Diving into the bottomless pit of possibilities, how do we stop the fall that never ends? My perception on this I owe, in part,… Read more →