BLACK Lives Matter. We Need to Say It.



BLACK lives matter.

Say it.

Now say it again.  Again and again and again.

This isn’t just a concept or an ideal. This is a MANTRA that needs to be said and heard.

Of course all lives matter. But to say that instead disempowers the people you mean to include.  If all lives truly did matter the BLM movement wouldn’t exist.  They wouldn’t be trying to fix things if they weren’t broken.

We need to say BLACK lives matter.

We performers know the power of the spoken word.  We know what we say changes our perceptions and experience.  The spoken word transports us into new worlds.  It can also change people, can change lives, and can even change the world.  So say what needs to be said.  As we educate ourselves about the movement we can at least begin with this.

Because when we say it, we hear it.  What we hear becomes familiar. Familiarity breeds acceptance. Acceptance negates fear. Fear is the root of hatred. Fear is the source of violence.

‘All Lives Matter’ is the beautiful idyllic white light which bathes the utopia we dream of.  It is the light of equality.  We will not have the power to shine that white light on a new world without work.  We need to source the rock, cut and polish it with our own hands.  With all of our strength, together, we need to hold that prism up so we can see exactly what that beautiful light is made of.

It’s made of colours.  Many, many different colours.

When we understand that, we will have absorbed the wisdom needed to create the light.  We will know the secret to creating such a beautiful world.

So for now, if you are inclined to say All Lives Matter, stop.   Because to date, they don’t.

We need to change that one step at a time.  We need to do the work.  Today that starts with saying

BLACK lives matter.



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