Category: Career: Crafting Your Story

The Why and What of your Life

Preparing for the Performance – When 50% is 100%

There is a moment for us all. That moment when we need to step up, put ourselves out there, and be present.  But we all have a threshold.  Perhaps just walking out your front door makes your heart flutter.  For others it’s the dreaded social occasion when you fear being alone in a room of people.  For some it is promoting… Read more →

Selling You

So one of my weakest skills as a seriously sensitive, once cripplingly insecure, Class 1 introvert has been selling myself. As an actor, of course. Who was I to tell them that I was the best for the part, better than anyone in the room?   Who was I to believe that they would want me?  Who was I to say… Read more →

Our Deepest Fear

  Happy International Women’s Day!  Why not celebrate with a fabulous poem falsely attributed to a man (although we love Nelson Mandella too).  Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson is a must-read. Please reword any spiritual references to reflect your beliefs. This is by no means a spiritually exclusive site!  Instead embrace the spirit of this poem today. And everyday. Read more →