Category: Inspiration from my Story

Lessons I’d Like to Share about Life and Living

Yummy Words

I was just geeking out with words…     And I thought, I want wish you sophrosyne on your metanoia. But then I googled these words just to be sure.  As it turns out, the definition for metanoia may involve having a total break down first before rebuilding one’s psyche through spiritual repentance (ok, NOT what I was going for in a whimsical post). But hey,… Read more →

Obstacles, Objectives, and the Why of What We Do

I hold the secret to your success.  It is time to explain two important words that are integral concepts to becoming a Star.  We actors talk a great deal about objectives and obstacles. When analyzing our script, actors identify an obstacle as that which is in the way of achieving our objective, our goal.  Objectives pull you forward. Obstacles hold… Read more →

Comparing Yourself with Others

Desiderata by Max Ehrmann is one of my favourite poems ever written. It spoke to me as a young person always striving for the next goal to achieve, never quite happy with where I was.  In particular, his line about comparing yourself with others needs to be with us as we learn to witness.  We all have our roles to… Read more →

The Art of Jealousy

Envy.  Jealousy.  The act of coveting something of another.  It is dark and ugly. But human. Jealousy is a valid part of our experience that has evolved over thousands of years for a reason. But “it is bad” and we “shouldn’t do it”. How’s that working out?  Does that stop you from feeling green when you see another’s success and compare… Read more →