Category: Inspiration from my Story

Lessons I’d Like to Share about Life and Living


There’s a moment when you realize the roles you’ve played, the characters you’ve developed, and the scenes you were part of were all pieces of a puzzle. You just needed to understand how to fit them all together. What were once fragments of a life lived then become a story to be told, a great story that wouldn’t have been… Read more →

A Call to the Quiet Ones

  I am used to that look. The look I get when I try to explain how someone like me, introverted and generally averse to attention, becomes an actor. Of course, after years of training in, well…talking, I don’t come across as introverted or quiet.  Most people over-generalize actors and create an image of them as attention hungry, overly exuberant, always-performing… Read more →

This is my Stage

Where do you stand? Are you waiting in the wings for your journey to start? Step out. Wherever you are, that is your stage.

“This is my stage.  Empty.  Blank.  A place to be born.  Reinvent.  Ask questions.  Seek answers.  Make up stories.  Create.  An audition, rehearsal, and performance.  Here I will create the life I want.  I will write my story.  I will build my character.  I will be the star in my own life.  Not to outshine others.  But to glow so that others may have light to see. 

This is my empty stage.  That is so full.”  


Every morning you put your feet on the ground you are on your stage.  Over time, these pictures will represent how the stage changes, what being on stage has meant to me, and what standing brave and playing your part will mean to you.

Are you waiting in the wings for your performance to start?

Step out.