Hello my darlings. Weird times, huh?
We all feel the stress of finances, worries about our health, and concerns about the future near and far. We must remember this isn’t the first time that this has happened. Through wars and epidemics, people have been asked to change for the greater good. We can do it.
But how well we do this, how we cope, will depend on our mindset, perspective, and our ability to reframe. In careers, we call it the swing back. Often we need to draw back (feels counter intuitive) to gain the power we need to move ahead. Like a batter swings his bat back, an archer pulls back her string, or a sprinter crouches down before bolting away, you will gain something from stepping back from the act of coping to take a look inside and collect your strength.
Here are some of my favourite visual tools as you hunker down, pull yourself in, and prepare for what is to come. I would never dismiss the pain and hardship of others. But I see good in this. Very few of us ever choose to change until we are forced to. Let us rise to the challenge of resistance.
So grab your cuppa tea and ponder on these with gentle grace and permission to feel…

This final wheel of emotions helps us dig a little deeper into our anger, sadness, and fear to find what lies beneath. This can be liberating work. If ever you feel too overwhelmed ask for help. Many mental health care professionals are working over the phone during these times and can help you from the safety of your home. Please ask.
Loves to you all.