Change is hard. Some love it. Some avoid it (like me). However, I am going through some big changes in my life. I have had to pull up my bootstraps and tell myself, “I can do this.”
If you are going through change or finding it hard to be brave, here are some images and thoughts for change.
Focus on the images. Open your heart, relax your mind, and know…
You can do it.
Do it for those who need you.
Be true to yourself, you never know how far the goodness will spread.
Sometimes taking the leap will make a fun splash.
It’s not about you. Do it for the joy it brings to others.
Make peace with where you are because everywhere you go…there you are.
When the long road ahead is mucky, the person willing to walk it with you can make all the difference. Do what scares you today for the hope of a better tomorrow.
To rise to a challenge isn’t always a heavy thing. Sometimes it is about letting go.
We are stronger together only when each of us play our unique part.
You are needed to climb so you can be there to help another up.
You think you walk alone until you realize how many are following in your footsteps.
Be who you are. You may be what someone wished for.
Nervous? Naaah, I’m excited!
Everything is clear and bright just on the other side of your worries.
(And for goodness sakes…) Don’t take yourself too seriously.
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