Our One Story


Why are we pursuing the star in each of us?  Why seek out our power?

You are needed.

Yes, YOU.



Actually, scratch that.  You don’t want to be the change (don’t worry, I’m not actually disrespecting Ghandi because apparently he didn’t say this).  It’s a fabulous idea but to take this literally denotes that we must be different.  And in some ways, we must be.  However….

We need more.

You don’t need to change and be different than all those that have come before.  We’ll just assume they did the best with what they had.  We need to take the best of them and grow.

Be the evolution. 

Evolution once took thousands of years for natural selection to affect any change.  Today we don’t need Time.  Evolution on both psychological and social levels can be immediate.   We have these glorious brains.  We are self aware.  We have control over our behaviours.  We can evolve consciously.

We can decide to EVOLVE.  How exciting is that?!!

How then can that evolution affect the change we want to see in the world?   By using the tools that haven’t been readily available until the last 20 years.




We have it all: the knowledge, the tools, and the support.

“But it’s their mess.  They need to clean it up.”

Come on.  I’m so over people pointing the finger.  It’s boring and ineffectual.  They made the problems?  They are also handing us the solutions.  They gave us the tools.  Now we only need to rise up.  Build on their progress, run with their ideas, utilize those tools.  Take off like lightning from their turtle’s pace.  Align ourselves with the progress in the world.

We have it all.

Everything but Time.

So pick your thing.  Just one thing!  There are so many causes to become a part of.  Just pick one.  Find a place to put your energy: the environment, homelessness, education, health research.  Pick just one thing that you love, that you were made to do, because it doesn’t bring you down, rather, it builds you up.  Do that one thing.  There are so many opportunities to participate in the world’s evolution.  Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by the needs in the world.  The other 7 billion can do the rest.

Never underestimate however how much you are needed.

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