Selling You

So one of my weakest skills as a seriously sensitive, once cripplingly insecure, Class 1 introvert has been selling myself.

As an actor, of course.

Who was I to tell them that I was the best for the part, better than anyone in the room?   Who was I to believe that they would want me?  Who was I to say my vision, my artistry, or my talents were to be admired, studied, or exemplified?

I had confidence in my talent, had faith in my skills, and felt supported by all my hard work.  I did believe in myself.

As long as I wasn’t compared to others.

Hmmmm…wasn’t that always?

Fast forward to many years later.  I’m sitting in my car waiting to pick up my kids from school, far, far away from the world of auditions and actors.  My husband had been given a set of CDs of Dr. Wayne Dyer, an inspirational teacher.  It’s safe to assume that, left in my hubby’s possession, the CDs may never have been listened to.  I, however, feel the need to fill every waking minute with purpose so I thought, why not open them up and see what Mr. Wayne’s got to say?

Minutes in, boom, he hits me with the game changer that I wish I’d heard all those years ago.

Dyer’s experience with sales taught him this:


When trying to sell anything…




Drop the mic.

This was an invaluable perspective shift.

All that time I was trying to sell parts of myself, pieces that compared, and bits that were worth offering.  I was always dissecting myself.  And I was doing that without love.

Don’t many of us do this?  We are always auditioning for roles in life with friends, family, and partners whether we are at work, at home, or in social situations.  Some people have the confidence to assert themselves.  Others live with doubt of their worth.

So how about all of us Doubters look at it through the Wayne coloured glasses.

I had to ask myself what do I LOVE about myself?  From the inside out.  And by love I mean the real deep, sweet, sacred kind.   What are my best qualities?  What do I have to offer?  What good am I trying to bring into the world?   Like I’ve said before, we are all unique, unforgettable, and exactly who we are supposed to be.  Ask yourself these questions.

Or don’t!  Perhaps just feel the love for the person that you are.  No more dissecting yourself, looking for the worthy pieces, or weighing your parts against others.  You are worthy as an entire being.




Now sell the love.

By that, I mean share it.   Your value is in your genuine self.  And your greatest quality is that you are capable of Love.  You add value to the world by sharing it.  You teach people when you share your love.  You liberate them to do the same.

And the best part is that by sharing that love you are not comparing yourself  with others. There is no competition.  Because, ultimately, when acting from love, we are all equal.

So the next time you are in a situation where you are made to step up and sell You, sell your love.  Sell your enthusiasm.  Believe you have something wonderful to share.

And then watch as they fall in love with you, too.




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